Exploring Faith
If you're interested in finding out more about the Christian faith, or asking the bigger questions of life, here's how we can help:
Alnwick Baptist Church:
The Gathering - An opportunity to share lives together and explore the character and life of Jesus using eye witness accounts of his life over a teatime meal on a Sunday afternoon.
Thursdays@7 - A listening ear and friendly chat over a coffee at Starbucks. Sharing life, exploring faith.
The Alpha Course - an 11-week course that creates a space, online or in person, for a conversation about faith, life and God.
Speak to: Rev'd Chris Friend or Rev'd Caroline Friend
Email: info@alnwickbaptist.org.uk
Tel : 07557 442243
Alnwick Methodist Church
E mail : lindisfarnecircuit@hotmail.com
Tel : 01665 510089
The Salvation Army
Speak to: Major Alison Anderson 07399 467654
or Major Jim Anderson 07538 517179
St. James, United Reformed Church
Intended Services:
Speak to: Rev'd Joan Grindrod-Helm
E mail : church.centre@urc-stjames-alnwick.org.uk
St Michael's Church of England:
A group will be meeting in the New Year to explore questions of faith and life. All are welcome to join us.
Speak to: Rev'd Paul Scott, or Rev'd Gerard Rundell
E mail : paulscott1957@btinternet.com, rev.g.rundell@gmail.com
Tel : 01665 603078
St. James, Shilbottle
A full list of services, events and opportunities to explore faith can be accessed through our website or by signing up to receive our weekly newsletter. We also post regular updates to our Facebook page and live-streamed and prerecorded services and, weekly reflections can be found on our YouTube channel.
Speak to Rev'd Helen O'Sullivan
E mail : info@shilbottlechurch.org.uk
Tel : 01665 712002
St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Church
Speak to Fr Stephen.
E mail : stpaulschurchalnwick@gmail.com
Tel : 01665 602012
Society of Friends
Website: northumbriaquakers.org.uk
Tel : 01665 581330
Welcome Network
Speak to Bob or Mary Bain
E mail : bobbain@hotmail.co.uk
Tel : 07988 564299
Particularly Family Friendly
Messy Church Alnwick: In usual times meets monthly on a Sunday afternoon in St Jame's Hall.
Follow on Facebook for more information, including what's happening under Covid restrictions.
St Michael's Messy Church: In usual times meets monthly on a Saturday lunchtime in St Michael's church.
Similarly, follow on Facebook for more.